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Bill Clinton Goes Vegan

Photo by Flickr User marcn

A year ago, Bill Clinton made headlines for his “almost vegan” diet. Now, he is in the spotlight again for his diet, claiming he is now 100 percent vegan.

PETA’s “Person of the Year” appears to be living up to his title by sharing his message about the health benefits of a vegan diet.

“I had played Russian roulette because even though I had changed my diet some and cut down on the caloric total of my ingestion and cut back on much of the cholesterol in the food I was eating,” Clinton said, according to the Boston Herald. “I still – without any scientific basis to support what I did – was taking in a lot of extra cholesterol without knowing it. So that’s when I made a decision to really change.”

Some studies have shown that vegans have a lower risk for developing diseases like cancer, obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

Bill Clinton not only wants to improve his own health but also the health of others. The Clinton Foundation has teamed up with the American Heart Association to provide better school lunches and promote exercise.

Article excerpted from

The reason to become a vegan is not only for diet purpose, it will also keep us to become a healthy person and have a lower risk of sickness or diseases.

PETA Designs Condom Wrapper For NYC Department Of Health Contest

peta, condom

The next time you’re feeling a little horny, PETA would love to be there.

The animal rights organization recently had a supporter submit a design on their behalf for a contest the NYC Department of Health is running. The goal is to see who can design the most eye-catching and informative packaging for its free condoms.

“The cholesterol and fat that are found in meat, eggs, and dairy products can clog the arteries that go to all your organs, not just your heart,” says New York activist Emily McCoy, who designed the ad. “It’s a hard medical fact: Men who choose broccoli over bratwurst slash their risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes–and impotence.”

Finalists for the condom contest will be announced in February. New Yorkers will then select a final winner by casting votes online. Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear as if PETA’s wrapper will make the cut — as the judges are looking for something that “reflects New York City’s distinctive culture and style while also promoting safer sex.”

Article excerpted from



Vegan condoms? Yes, some of you do look puzzled. In fact, these latex condoms are actually NOT made out of casein – a protein derived from milk.  Many condom manufacturers use casein, but in a vegan condom, none of these. In my humble opinion, it is great to promote safe sex although the target market for these condoms are mainly vegans. It is simply not because you are a vegan you must use this condom, but its simply thinking about being animal-friendly and protecting them. Tried one before? Share with us your tale.



Vegetarian vs. Vegan: Health showdown

micco caporale
The differences between vegans and vegetarians are often misunderstood. Which is healthier? Photo by Micco Caporale

Lately, I’ve had some issues deciphering the health risks and benefits of vegetarians and vegans versus meat eaters. I’ve had conversations about this topic with people that I know. I know vegetarians and some vegans, but after talking with them, I was still left wondering: what makes them different health wise? Are vegans healthier than vegetarians?

After doing some research, here’s what I’ve found:

According to a vegetarian nutrition website, vegans are often thinner and have lower blood pressure and cholesterol than vegetarians. This leads to vegans having a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes. The website states that there is this health difference because vegan diets are richer in dietary fiber and higher in potassium and magnesium, as well as vitamins C and E. Also, eliminating meat from a diet doesn’t necessarily mean that saturated fat and cholesterol intake is lowered if dairy products are still being consumed. So, vegetarians may still maintain a high saturated fat and cholesterol intake by eating dairy, which is a problem that a vegan diet eliminates.

According to this research, vegans are healthier than vegetarians. But, what are vegans missing out on that vegetarians are getting from their diets?

Well, according to the website, vegans are missing out on one major thing: calcium. While dairy products provide a great source of calcium, there are other ways that vegans can make up for not eating dairy. Another thing vegans aren’t getting is vitamin B12. Meat, eggs and milk contain plenty of this vitamin, but plants contain none. Vitamin B12 is not as easily gained in other foods like calcium is, and it is a very important part of a diet because without it one could develop early dementia, lack of coordination and memory loss. B12 can be found in soy and rice beverages, some cereals and meat substitutes.

So, I understand what vegetarians can eat: anything but meat. But, what does a vegan diet consist of? Well, vegans eat anything that’s not from an animal. That’s where my questions begin. So, what exactly can vegans eat?

Well, according to the Vegan Society website, vegans can eat more than you would imagine. There are vegan alternatives to virtually any food including vegan chocolates, ice cream, yogurt and the list goes on and on. The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) website states that some of your favorite products are vegan and you didn’t even realize it. For example, Pepperidge Farm Turnovers, Murray Butter Cookies and Cracker Jacks are all vegan along with a number of snacks such as chips, cookies and candies.

I now have a better idea of what it means to be both a vegetarian and a vegan. After analyzing the health risks and benefits, it seems that vegans are healthier, and it might not be as hard as I thought to be a vegan after all.


 Article excerpted from

Malaysian Minister of Health Datuk Liow Tiong Lai Wins PETA Proggy Award

Malaysian Minister of Health Datuk Liow Tiong Lai Wins PETA Proggy Award

Malaysian Minister of Health Datuk Liow Tiong Lai, a vegetarian who has made his diet the cornerstone of his healthy lifestyle, has won a People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Asia-Pacific Proggy Award for Promoting a Vegetarian Diet. Proggy Awards (“Proggy” stands for “progress”) recognise animal-friendly achievement in 21st century culture and commerce.

“I’m concerned about the health of the people in the country, especially with regard to the healthy lifestyle”, says Datuk Liow, who holds a degree in science and nutrition from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and a master’s in business administration from Universiti Malaya. “I would emphasise more on prevention and healthy living instead of curing patient and health.”

Going vegetarian is a key in helping to prevent a variety of diseases, including today’s leading killers. Meat consumption has been conclusively linked to heart disease, strokes, diabetes, obesity and several kinds of cancer. Pathogens also place meat-eaters at risk. E coli, salmonella, listeria, the bird flu virus and mad cow disease all result from raising animals for food.

Going vegetarian is also the best way to help the planet. A recent UN report determined that raising animals for food generates more greenhouse-gas emissions than all the cars, trucks, ships and planes in the world combined. The report states that the meat industry is “one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global”. Of course, adopting a vegetarian diet is also the best way to help animals who might otherwise suffer on factory farms and be slaughtered for food.

Want to follow Datuk Liow’s lead and do your part to help animals? Pledge to be veg for 30 days today, and we’ll e-mail you our favourite recipes as well as tips on making the switch to a vegetarian diet.

Click Here to Pledge to Be Veg!

Article excerpted from

Vegan Starter Kit

Explore PETA’s “Vegetarian/Vegan Starter Kit” – the guide that will help you go vegetarian now. It has everything you need to get started: recipes, tips on eating out, health information, videos and more!

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